Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia
Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia
6th October, 2022

News on Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia to our fellow Limnologists

Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia (ALB) is the official scientific journal of the Brazilian Association of Limnology ("Associação Brasileira de Limnologia" - ABLimno) and for 36 years it has published articles of great relevance for the development of limnology of rivers, lakes, wetlands, reservoirs, etc., with an emphasis on tropical environments. ALB follows the model of journals from other Limnology Associations such as “Limnetica” from the Iberian Association, “Annales de Limnologie” from the French Association, “Journal of Limnology” from the Italian Association and “Limnologica” from the German Association.

Since 2011 ALB has been indexed in the SciELO database and is totally free for any citizen in the world who has access to the internet. Also, ALB does not charge authors any fees for publication (Open Access Diamond). As of 2016, the journal began to be published in continuous flow, and the time between acceptance and publication of the article is less than 30 days. Currently, ALB is indexed in 10 databases, in addition to SciELO, including the Scopus database. ALB's current Scopus h-index is 13 and is gradually increasing, as is its level of internationalization (editors, authors and reviewers linked to institutions abroad from Brazil and accessed in many countries).

In its planning, ALB has already implemented an editorial board composed of an Editor-in-Chief and twelve Associate Editors, specialists in different themes within limnology and belonging to institutions from all regions of Brazil. The journal also created an exclusive page ( that allows access to all articles published since the first volume. As short-term goals, we have established:

  • Publication of two thematic sections in 2023, namely: “Aquaculture and Fisheries in Freshwater Environments” and “Bioindicators of Environmental Quality”;
  • Dissemination actions on social medias (such as Twitter – @limnologica), and press releases for the dissemination of selected articles on the Scielo page (;
  • Invitations for submission of opinion papers by renowned ABLimno researchers, review articles, among others;
  • Submission of financial support project to CNPq ("Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico") (already submitted in 2022) to relieve ABLimno.

Among medium and long-term goals we highlight:

  • Feasibility study and indexing potential in the WoS base;
  • Reduction of review time of articles;

The editors have been working collaboratively for short, medium and long-term planning and are unanimous in maintaining the course set, besides all being motivated to maintain their functions in the coming years.

Finally, we inform you that ALB is at dispose and invites all Limnologists to submit their papers presented at the next ABLimno congress. ALB is an “Open Access Diamond” (free publication and access). We will further strengthen our journal and make it even more the main source for disseminating our scientific research!

Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors

Acta Limnol. Bras. (Online)

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