The global scientific literature on applications and trends in the use of functional morphological groups in phytoplankton studies
Literatura científica global sobre aplicações e tendências no uso de grupos morfológicos funcionais em estudos do fitoplâncton
Ricardina Maria Lemos Trindade; Anny Kelly Nascimento Ribeiro; João Carlos Nabout; Jascieli Carla Bortolini
AMORIM, C.A., VALENÇA, C.R., DE MOURA-FALCÃO, R.H. and DO NASCIMENTO MOURA, A. Seasonal variations of morpho-functional phytoplankton groups influence the top-down control of a cladoceran in a tropical hypereutrophic lake.
ARIA, M. and CUCCURULLO, C. Bibliometrix: an R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis.
BINZER, A., GUILL, C., RALL, B.C. and BROSE, U. Interactive effects of warming, eutrophication and size structure: impacts on biodiversity and food-web structure.
BORTOLINI, J.C. and BUENO, N.C. Temporal dynamics of phytoplankton using the morphology-based functional approach in a subtropical river.
BORTOLINI, J.C., DA SILVA, P.R.L., BAUMGARTNER, G. and BUENO, N.C. Response to environmental, spatial, and temporal mechanisms of the phytoplankton metacommunity: comparing ecological approaches in subtropical reservoirs.
BORTOLINI, J.C., RODRIGUES, L.C., JATI, S. and TRAIN, S. Phytoplankton functional and morphological groups as indicators of environmental variability in a lateral channel of the Upper Paraná a River floodplain.
BORTOLINI, J.C., MORESCO, G.A., PAULA, A.C.M., JATI, S. and RODRIGUES, L.C. Functional approach based on morphology as a model of phytoplankton variability in a subtropical floodplain lake: a long-term study.
BRASIL, J. and HUSZAR, V.L.M. O papel dos traços funcionais na ecologia do fitoplâncton continental.
CARNEIRO, F.M., NABOUT, J.C. and BINI, L.M. Trends in the scientific literature on phytoplankton.
CHEN, N., LIU, L., LI, Y., QIAO, D., LI, Y., ZHANG, Y. and LV, Y. Morphology-based classification of functional groups for potamoplankton.
CUPERTINO, A., GÜCKER, B., VON RÜCKERT, G. and FIGUEREDO, C.C. Phytoplankton assemblage composition as an environmental indicator in routine lentic monitoring: Taxonomic versus functional groups.
DOWNING, J.A., PRAIRIE, Y.T., COLE, J.J., DUARTE, C.M., TRANVIK, L.J., STRIEGL, R.G., MCDOWELL, W.H., KORTELAINEN, P., CARACO, N.F., MELACK, J.M. and MIDDELBURG, J.J. The global abundance and size distribution of lakes, ponds, and impoundments.
FRAISSE, S., BORMANS, M. and LAGADEUC, Y. Morphofunctional traits reflect differences in phytoplankton community between rivers of contrasting flow regime.
HU, R., HAN, B. and NASELLI-FLORES, L. Comparing biological classifications of freshwater phytoplankton: a case study from South China.
HUSZAR, V.L.M., NABOUT, J.C., APPEL, M.O., SANTOS, J.B.O., ABE, D.S. and SILVA, L.H. Environmental and not spatial processes (directional and non-directional) shape the phytoplankton composition and functional groups in a large subtropical river basin.
ISBELL, F., COWLES, J., DEE, L.E., LOREAU, D., REICH, P.B., GONZALEZ, A., HECTOR, A. and SCHMID, B. Quantifying effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning across times and places.
IZAGUIRRE, I., ALLENDE, L., ESCARAY, R., BUSTINGORRY, J., PEREZ, G. and TELL, G. Comparison of morpho-functional phytoplankton classifications in human-impacted shallow lakes with different stable states.
KAMENIR, Y., DUBINSKY, Z. and ZOHARY, T. Phytoplankton size structure stability in a meso-eutrophic subtropical lake.
KAMENIR, Y., DUBINSKY, Z. and ZOHARY, T. The long-term patterns of phytoplankton taxonomic size-structure and their sensitivity to perturbation: a Lake Kinneret case study.
KRUK, C. and SEGURA, A.M. The habitat template of phytoplankton morphology-based functional groups.
KRUK, C., DEVERCELLI, M. and HUSZAR, V.L. Reynolds Functional Groups: a trait-based pathway from patterns to predictions.
KRUK, C., HUSZAR, V.L.M., PEETERS, E.T.H.M., BONILLA, S., COSTA, L., LÜRLING, M., REYNOLDS, C. and SCHEFFER, M. A morphological classification capturing functional variation in phytoplankton.
LITCHMAN, E. and KLAUSMEIER, C.A. Trait-based community ecology of phytoplankton.
LITCHMAN, E., DE TEZANOS PINTO, P., EDWARDS, K.F., KLAUSMEIER, C.A., KREMER, C.T. and THOMAS, M.K. Global biogeochemical impacts of phytoplankton: a trait-based perspective.
LITCHMAN, E., EDWARDS, K.F., KLAUSMEIER, C.A. and THOMAS, M.K. Phytoplankton niches, traits and eco-evolutionary responses to global environmental change.
LOBO, M.T.M.P.S., DE SOUZA NOGUEIRA, I., FABRIS SGARBI, L., NUNES KRAUS, C., DE OLIVEIRA BOMFIM, E., GARNIER, J., DA MOTTA MARQUES, D. and BONNET, M.-P. Morphology-based functional groups as the best tool to characterize shallow lake-dwelling phytoplankton on an Amazonian floodplain.
MACHADO, K.B., BORGES, P.P., CARNEIRO, F.M., DE SANTANA, J.F., VIEIRA, L.C.G., DE MORAES HUSZAR, V.L. and NABOUT, J.C. Using lower taxonomic resolution and ecological approaches as a surrogate for plankton species.
MACHADO, K.B., TERESA, F.B., VIEIRA, L.C.G., HUSZAR, V.L.M. and NABOUT, J.C. Comparing the effects of landscape and local environmental variables on taxonomic and functional composition of phytoplankton communities.
MAGALHÃES, L., RANGEL, L.M., ROCHA, A.M., CARDOSO, S.J. and SILVA, L.H.S. Responses of morphology-based phytoplankton functional groups to spatial variation in two tropical reservoirs with long water-residence time.
MARGALEF, R. Life-forms of phytoplankton as survival alternatives in an unstable environment.
MIHALJEVIĆ, M., ŠPOLJARIĆ, D., STEVIĆ, F., ŽUNA, T. and PFEIFFER, T. Assessment of flood-induced changes of phytoplankton along a river-floodplain system using the morpho-functional approach.
MIHALJEVIĆ, M., ŠPOLJARIĆ, D., STEVIĆ, F. and ŽUNA PFEIFFER, T. Spatial pattern of phytoplankton based on the morphology-based functional approach along a river–floodplain gradient.
NABOUT, J.C., CARNEIRO, F.M., BORGES, P.P., MACHADO, K.B. and HUSZAR, V.L.M. Brazilian scientific production on phytoplankton studies: national determinants and international comparisons.
NASELLI-FLORES, L., PADISÁK, J. and ALBAY, M. Shape and size in phytoplankton ecology: do they matter?
PADISÁK, J., CROSSETTI, L.O. and NASELLI-FLORES, L. Use and misuse in the application of the phytoplankton functional classification: a critical review with updates.
PETAR, Ž., MARIJA, G.U., KORALJKA, K.B., ANĐELKA, P.-M. and JUDIT, P. Morpho-functional classifications of phytoplankton assemblages of two deep karstic lakes.
PHILIPPART, C.J.M., CADÉE, G.C., VAN RAAPHORST, W. and RIEGMAN, R. Long-term phytoplankton–nutrient interactions in a shallow coastal sea: Algalcommunity structure, nutrient budgets, and denitrification potential.
PLATT, T. and DENMAN, K. The structure of pelagic ecosystem.
PULLIN, A.S. and STEWART, G.B. Guidelines for systematic review in conservation and environmental management.
RANGEL, L.M., SOARES, M.C.S., PAIVA, R. and SILVA, L.H.S. Morphology-based functional groups as effective indicators of phytoplankton dynamics in a tropical cyanobacteria-dominated transitional river–reservoir system.
REYNOLDS, C.S. Functional morphology and the adaptive strategies of freshwater phytoplankton. In: Sandgren, C.D., ed. Growth and reproductive strategies of freshwater phytoplankton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988, pp. 388-433.
REYNOLDS, C.S., HUSZAR, V., KRUK, C., NASELLI-FLORES, L. and MELO, S. Towards a functional classification of the freshwater phytoplankton.
RYABOV, A., KERIMOGLU, O., LITCHMAN, E., OLENINA, I., ROSELLI, L., BASSET, A., STANCA, E. and BLASIUS, B.. Shape matters: the relationship between cell geometry and diversity in phytoplankton.
SALMASO, N. and PADISÁK, J. Morpho-Functional Groups and phytoplankton development in two deep lakes (Lake Garda, Italy and Lake Stechlin, Germany).
SALMASO, N., NASELLI-FLORES, L. and PADISÁK, J. Functional classifications and their application in phytoplankton ecology.
SANTANA, L.M., NABOUT, J.C. and FERRAGUT, C. Taxonomic and functional classifications of phytoplankton in tropical reservoirs with different trophic states.
SEGURA, A.M., KRUK, C., CALLIARI, D. and FORT, H. Use of a morphology-based functional approach to model phytoplankton community succession in a shallow subtropical lake.
STANCA, E., CELLAMARE, M. and BASSET, A. Geometric shape as a trait to study phytoplankton distributions in aquatic ecosystems.
TUNDISI, J.G. Reservoirs: new challenges for ecosystem studies and environmental Management.
WANG, C., LIU, Y., LI, X., LAI, Z., TACKX, M. and LEK, S. A bibliometric analysis of scientific trends in phytoplankton research.
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